Wednesday, February 18, 2009

New Game, Group, & Hagoth

So, I've had a short lull here on the blog. I mean, it's been almost 2 whole weeks since I've posted anything. But that doesn't mean that I haven't been working away (as much as I can with a large family and grad school and whatnot).

I've started working on a new game. I don't have a name for it yet. But I think it will have a much better chance of being picked up by Covenant. The game focuses on people, places, and things from the Book of Mormon (the NOUNS if you will found in the Book of Mormon). It's a sort of party game as it is designed for a bigger group. I would say, right now anyway, not having played it a whole lot, that "the more the merrier." Anyway, players attempt to create "statements" that are truthful, based on the stories found in the Book of Mormon. This is done using cards. For example, Nephi went to the Promised Land on a Ship (the italicized words are cards). Anyway, then there ar cards that change what the players do on each round (I call them "Rules of the Round" cards). For example, Draw 1 card & Play 1 card or Take 1 card from the player of your choice. Each card is worth a certain number of points (scored once the player has completed a statement) and the game is played until one player reaches a predetermined number of points. It needs some work (as most of my games do) and a name.

I've made some changes to the group. I had it set up as completely public, but it is now only open to members (request for membership is available). And, I uploaded my rulebook for Hagoth: Builder of Ships. I hope to make the rulebooks just pages in the group where everyone can see them and edit them. That will hopefully make things even more collaborative and give everyone a chance to get in on the action and contribute in anyway they can or decide to contribute.

That's all for now. Anyone out there who would like to join in, we would love to have you. Just let us know!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Game Design Readings, Audio & Videos

12:21 PM by Mike · 0 comments
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A post on Board Game Designers Forum brought up the topic of books and videos that provide guidance in designing games. This is sort of a response. I will compile what they have from the discussion, along with other things that I am aware of.

A Theory of Fun
Game Design Workshop: Designing, Prototyping, and Playtesting Games
The Game Inventor's Guidebook
Paid to Play: The Business of Game Design
Patterns in Game Design
Rules of Play: Game Design Fundamentals
The Toy and Game Inventor's Handbook

Bruno Faidutti FAQ
William McLean: I've Invented a Board Game, Now What do I do?
Frank Branham: Rules Writing Deutschland Style
David Mullich: From Concept to Contract: Making a Successful Product Pitch

Boardgamegeek Interview with Reiner Knizia

Matt Leacock: Cooperation & Engagement
Mormon Game Design on Facebook